Canadian Literature

Is there anyone out there interested in talking about Canadian literature exclusively? If so, let's start a group.

First item onthe agenda.

What would you say is the greatest Canadian novel?

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Pinned — Welcome new members15 unread / 15LynnB, September 18
What Canadian Literature are we Reading in 2023255 unread / 255Nickelini, Yesterday 11:44am
The Greatest Canadian Novel3 unread / 3Aussi11, May 23
What Canadian literature are we reading in 2022?162 unread / 162Cecrow, April 13
Canada Reads 202353 unread / 53LynnB, March 31
I'm the new administrator for this group18 unread / 18LibraryCin, February 22
What's Your Definition of "Canadian" for Canadian Literature?12 unread / 12LynnB, February 3
Across the Country8 unread / 8LynnB, January 21
Canadian Tintin3 unread / 3rabbitprincess, January 21
What were your favourite Canadian reads of 2022?1 unread / 1raidergirl3, January 2
Giller Prize 20223 unread / 3gypsysmom, September 2022
Top Ten Canadian Books in 20218 unread / 8vancouverdeb, January 2022
What Canadian Literature are we enjoying in 2021?79 unread / 79LynnB, December 2021
Giller Prize 202125 unread / 25Cecilturtle, November 2021
What Canadian Literature are You Reading in 2020?189 unread / 189gypsysmom, December 2020
Four Canadian Books on the 2020 Time's 100 Best Books List5 unread / 5gypsysmom, December 2020
Giller Prize 20208 unread / 8gypsysmom, November 2020
Robertson Davies40 unread / 40Bcteagirl, June 2020
Farley Mowat Books12 unread / 12Bcteagirl, June 2020
What Canadian Literature are You Reading in 2019?122 unread / 122mdoris, December 2019
Margaret Atwood23 unread / 23frahealee, November 2019
Children's literature!20 unread / 20WeeTurtle, March 2019
What Canadian Literature are You Reading in 2018?94 unread / 94gypsysmom, December 2018
CBC List of 150 books to read for Canada 15020 unread / 20WeeTurtle, December 2018
2018 Evergreen List1 unread / 1mathgirl40, February 2018
What Canadian literature are you reading in 2017?89 unread / 89ted74ca, January 2018
Giller Prize 20172 unread / 2gypsysmom, November 2017
Spring 2017 preview1 unread / 1ajsomerset, January 2017
What Canadian Literature are you reading in 2016127 unread / 127LynnB, December 2016
Giller Prize 20164 unread / 4raidergirl3, September 2016
Fall preview4 unread / 4vancouverdeb, August 2016
New website for lit-centric BC news2 unread / 2edwinbcn, February 2016
What Canadian Literature Are You Reading in 2015?126 unread / 126LynnB, January 2016
Reading in 201497 unread / 97LynnB, December 2014
What Canadian Literature are you reading now? chapter 3147 unread / 147raidergirl3, January 2014
CanLit Quiz4 unread / 4rabbitprincess, November 2013
Greatest Canadian Novel43 unread / 43alans, September 2013
Giller prize 20131 unread / 1Nickelini, September 2013
What Canadian Literature are you reading now? chapter 2245 unread / 245mdoris, January 2013
Canadians on long list of IMPAC prize3 unread / 3Yells, November 2012
Canadian graphic novels5 unread / 545thParallel, October 2012
Upcoming Canadian Books?6 unread / 645thParallel, October 2012
other Canadian groups to look at6 unread / 6jordan.ethier, September 2012
New CanLit list10 unread / 10vancouverdeb, September 2012
2011 Canadian Literature you have enjoyed (or are looking forward to reading/being released)20 unread / 20alans, December 2011
Hello9 unread / 9lostinalibrary, July 2011
Canadian Authors - Christmas or Holiday Genre5 unread / 5lchen13, June 2011
What Canadian Literature are you reading now?221 unread / 221VivienneR, January 2011
Canadian Theater plays1 unread / 1yanelysms, September 2010
Canadian romantic suspense?8 unread / 8Talvitar, August 2010
Books set in Canada, but by authors of other nationalities...?10 unread / 10ChrisWildman, January 2010
Late Nights on Air6 unread / 6nursejane, March 2009
Massey Lectures5 unread / 5Autodafe, January 2009
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