4 messages this week
A group for everyone who connects with Australia (residents, expats, lovers of Australian literature) and who are part of the LibraryThing collective.
4 messages this week
A place for book-aholics from across Canada to talk about book related topics.
3 messages this week
A Virtual Book Box for Australian Bookcrossing members. A list of available books can be found here (VBBOZ Books) and books that are in transit/owed …
"Satan to newcomer, with discontent: 'The trouble with you Chicago people is that you think you are the best in Hell -- whereas you are merely the …
2 messages this week
Welcome everyone from Sweden or readers of swedish authors!
Eine Gruppe für alle Library Thingers aus dem deutschen Sprachraum - auch jenseits der bundesrepublikanischen Grenzen
Dit is een algemene groep voor Nederlandstalige lezers, waar ze in het Nederlands van gedachten kunnen wisselen over onderwerpen waar (nog) geen …
For those of us born, bred or live in the six US states which comprise "New England." And for those of you who are from "away" and love New England …
For LibraryThing'ers living in, visiting, or interested in, London.
For those of the Old Line State. Stuck in the middle of the North and South, neither rebel nor yankee be. Come to discuss the books and other aspects …
For residents of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.