Reading Through Time

Come and jump through history with us.

This is a group for anyone who loves to read about history. We have monthly themes chosen and hosted by our members as well as a separate quarterly time period challenge hosted by member Tess_W.

The rules are simple:

* Anyone can join or post

* You can participate in any or all reading challenges but are not required to do so.

* Fiction or Non-Fiction is acceptable

* You may set up your own thread to list your reads if you want to.

We are a friendly group so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Simply post your question and someone will help you.

Here is a link to the wikis:

Monthy Themes Wiki

Quarterly Challenge Wiki

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Pinned — 2023 Reading Plans104 unread / 104DeltaQueen50, August 10
September 2023 School days79 unread / 79booksaplenty1949, Saturday 8:58pm
RTT Quarterly - July-September 2023 - WWII (1939-1945)87 unread / 87atozgrl, Saturday 12:44pm
RTT Quarterly - October-December 2023 - 1946 - Present23 unread / 23MissWatson, Friday 6:17am
October 2023 Tradition12 unread / 12countrylife, Thursday 6:21pm
March 2023 - Notorious Women60 unread / 60rocketjk, Wednesday 12:11pm
August 2023 – Immigration and Migration90 unread / 90benitastrnad, Tuesday 11:17pm
April-June 2023 Between the Wars (1919 - 19380137 unread / 137kac522, September 25
May 2023: The Big City - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow55 unread / 55wordswordswords, September 23
April 2023: April Fool42 unread / 42benitastrnad, August 23
July 2023 - Revolutions78 unread / 78benitastrnad, August 14
June 2023 - the Fabulous Fifties50 unread / 50atozgrl, July 19
Join with me1 unread / 1AntonioGallo, May 19
February 2022 Theme: A Trip to the Country46 unread / 46rocketjk, May 16
5 unread / 5kac522, May 9
July 2022 Mental Health then and now35 unread / 35TerryFrost2390, May 9
Jan-March 2023 - WWI (1914-1918)186 unread / 186Tess_W, April 15
October 2022 Topic Musically Speaking91 unread / 91rocketjk, April 7
February 2023: Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!53 unread / 53LibraryCin, March 12
January 2023: Our Feathered Friends90 unread / 90spaceowl, January 28
December 2022 - Reader's Choice31 unread / 31kac522, December 2022
Dea's 2023 History Lesson16 unread / 16deaflower, December 2022
Oct - Dec 2022 - Before WWI (1900 - 1913)36 unread / 36Tanya-dogearedcopy, December 2022
November 2022: Ends and Endings46 unread / 46AnnieMod, December 2022
September 2022 Harvest Moon67 unread / 67LibraryCin, October 2022
2022 Reading Plans104 unread / 104DeltaQueen50, October 2022
RTT Quarterly - July-September 2022 - The Old West18 unread / 18marell, September 2022
Um, hi *waves*7 unread / 7LadyoftheLodge, September 2022
August Topic: What can fiction teach us about history?107 unread / 107cindydavid4, September 2022
June 2022: California, the Golden State39 unread / 39Tess_W, July 2022
RTT Quarterly - Apr-Jun 2022 - 19th Century North America25 unread / 25MissWatson, June 2022
May 2022: Beginnings53 unread / 53CurrerBell, June 2022
December 2021 Theme: Brrrrr Cold!39 unread / 39BertLahr, May 2022
April 2022: Technology46 unread / 46Familyhistorian, May 2022
March 2022 theme: We are time's subjects, and time bids be gone43 unread / 43Familyhistorian, March 2022
2022 RTT Quarterly: 1st Quarter: Jan - March 2022 - 19th Century (Excluding North America)75 unread / 75kac522, March 2022
Today in History5 unread / 5AntonioGallo, March 2022
14 unread / 14cindydavid4, March 2022
January 2022 Theme: Eastern Philosophies and Religions46 unread / 46CurrerBell, February 2022
October- December Quarterly: The Napoleonic Era45 unread / 45MissWatson, February 2022
November 2021: Readers Choice49 unread / 49clue, December 2021
A disturbing trip back to Puritan times2 unread / 2kac522, December 2021
2021 Reading Plans113 unread / 113CurrerBell, November 2021
RTT Quarterly - Jul-Sep - 18th Century28 unread / 28cfk, November 2021
October 2021: Supernatural/Superstition41 unread / 41MissWatson, November 2021
September 2021: Time Travel / Prehistoric / Sideways24 unread / 24LibraryCin, October 2021
August Theme: FOOD!48 unread / 48marell, August 2021
July theme: Now we are free49 unread / 49Familyhistorian, August 2021
June 2021: Rewriting the Past117 unread / 117Familyhistorian, July 2021
May 2021 theme -- MEET THE PRESS47 unread / 47MissWatson, July 2021
August 2020 Theme: All H*** Breaks Loose! What's Yours in Mine57 unread / 57LibraryCin, July 2021
April-Jun 2021 - 17th Century20 unread / 20cindydavid4, July 2021
Bilingual reading group for AsianAmerican - Chinese American2 unread / 2DeltaQueen50, May 2021
April 2021: The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire70 unread / 70CurrerBell, May 2021
November 2020 Theme: Author Biographies45 unread / 45allthingsgo, April 2021
Renaissance and 16th Century36 unread / 36Familyhistorian, April 2021
March 2021 Theme: Argh Matey!42 unread / 42spiralsheep, March 2021
2020 Reading Through Time Reading Plans104 unread / 104majkia, March 2021
February 2021 Theme--A La Mode51 unread / 51cindydavid4, March 2021
January 2021 (!) Theme Shakespear's Children65 unread / 65cindydavid4, February 2021
October- December 2020 - Middle Ages Plus Vikings27 unread / 27marell, January 2021
New Group Picture3 unread / 3MissWatson, January 2021
December 2020 theme - Predicting the Future45 unread / 45Familyhistorian, December 2020
September 2020 theme: I'll trade you...33 unread / 33Familyhistorian, December 2020
October 2020 theme - Deception31 unread / 31LibraryCin, November 2020
July - September 2020 - Arthurian Britain29 unread / 29MissWatson, September 2020
July 2020 Theme: On the Shore36 unread / 36Familyhistorian, August 2020
June 2020 Theme: Get thee to a nunnery!40 unread / 40MissWatson, June 2020
April-June 2020 - Ancient and Biblical Times26 unread / 26mnleona, June 2020
May 2020 Theme: Explorers28 unread / 28majkia, June 2020
April 2020 Theme: Off With Her Head!27 unread / 27marell, May 2020
February 2020: Crime & Mystery67 unread / 67LibraryCin, April 2020
March 2020 Theme: Mothers and Daughters42 unread / 42CurrerBell, April 2020
January- March 2020 - Prehistory43 unread / 43Familyhistorian, March 2020
Marell Takes a Ride Through Time10 unread / 10marell, March 2020
January 2020 Theme - The 19th Century Irish Experience68 unread / 68Familyhistorian, February 2020
December - Let's Go Retro31 unread / 31marell, January 2020
October-December 2019 - Modern History (1946-present day)14 unread / 14beebeereads, January 2020
November -- Marginalized People59 unread / 59Familyhistorian, December 2019
MissWatson's 2019 timely reads24 unread / 24MissWatson, November 2019
April-June 2019 - 20th Century: Between Wars (1919-1938)18 unread / 18cfk, November 2019
October - Loss29 unread / 29Familyhistorian, October 2019
August 2019: Philosophy & Religion47 unread / 47LibraryCin, October 2019
July-September 2019 - 20th Century: WW2 (1939-1945)33 unread / 33countrylife, October 2019
September 2019: Women Pioneers37 unread / 37countrylife, October 2019
July - Travel85 unread / 85marell, August 2019
June - Cryptography and Code Breaking43 unread / 43marell, July 2019
May 2019 Mythology across cultures35 unread / 35MissWatson, June 2019
This-n-That's History Quest Journal (2019)17 unread / 17This-n-That, May 2019
April 2019: The Wonderful Emptiness33 unread / 33marell, May 2019
2019 Reading Through Time Reading Plans103 unread / 103DeltaQueen50, May 2019
February 2019: Be My Valentine!34 unread / 34LibraryCin, April 2019
March 2019 - Downtown39 unread / 39marell, April 2019
January-March 2019 - 20th Century: World War I (1914-1918)16 unread / 16Familyhistorian, March 2019
CurrerBell's Time Currents for 20195 unread / 5CurrerBell, March 2019
January 2019: I Will Survive!72 unread / 72kac522, February 2019
October-December 2018 - 20th Century: Before WW1 (1900-1913)13 unread / 13Familyhistorian, December 2018
countrylife tries not to get stuck in the time travel portal40 unread / 40countrylife, December 2018
December 2018: It's All About the Music29 unread / 29cindydavid4, December 2018
MissWatson's 2018 timely reads32 unread / 32MissWatson, December 2018
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